Majority and minority are concept implanted by philosophers and politicians. It is just opinions and views. We are made to think that majority rules and majority is right. We should know that we cannot depend solely on majority to get justice. Neither can we depend on the minority.

Don't we hear stories of judgment of guilt is made by the majority ? A criminal has to be taken to court. We don't seek people's voice or opinion to judge him as guilty or otherwise. Else a murderer can buy freedom if he has enough money to donate to every member of the public.

The authenticity or validity of a club or society does not depend on the size of the memberships.  Similarly the military strength of a country is not by the body or weapon counts or population size. And we do hear that this world is run only by a handful of people controlling the banks, media and military.

Do we need to educate Malaysians on this topic and issue, splitting hairs and dragging other sensitive political phenomena ? The HAMs in this country need to understand this carefully and try to be rational as much as possible. The TRUTH of a radio society does not depend on the memberships.

ASTRA and MARES were formed by the splinter groups either on racial basis or disagreements with individuals. We have to study the history of the splits and the individual involves without hiding anything. There is no short cut and easy way to come to conclusion. 

It is imperative to trace the birth of license B's and those individuals involved, the birth of the pirates and the people in them. We need to know how the conflict and the disagreement come about. Who were responsible direct or indirectly ?

Let me put it in a simple term of what could have happened;

In a village of a peaceful society there were several men who want to do more for themselves. They go outside their boundary, bring a few home, giving the new comers lodging and all the comforts, lending properties and money. Later they elect the new people as the village leaders hoping they can turn their tasks over to their new friends.

Having power the newcomers do things their own ways. Hence conflict begins.

In religions, may it be Islam or Christians, there were disagreements that led to splinter groups. There were sects in Islam and sects in Christians. Would the Holly Book be thrown out ? Should it be altered to suit everyone ? OR should they left their religion and embrace a new  faith ?

I may not like the committee members of MARTS for a thousand and one reason. It is our custom and culture not to throw away our history, race, a wife because she is old, and our root. Just change the committee members with the new ones.

Since they believe in the rule of majority and democracy, use them to overhaul the society.
